Szymon Kubiak

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Szymon Kubiak
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Szymon Kubiak

attorney-at-law, partner
PhD in law, LL.M. (Harvard)—nearly 20 years of experience in employment law and outsourcing

Dr Szymon Kubiak co-heads the Employment practice. He handles individual and collective Polish and European labour law and outsourcing. He has long-term experience in employment restructuring, including outsourcing and group dismissals in complex and cross-border employee transfers (including transfers of enterprises and parts of enterprises) and provides ongoing advice on atypical and flexible forms of employment and hiring of temporary workers. He also advises on issues associated with social packages and in creating and implementing legal compliance programmes, and coordinates due diligence of companies.

He coordinates the firm’s business development.

He joined Wardyński & Partners in 2004.

Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Doctorate at the Department of Labour and Social Policy of the Jagiellonian University (thesis on atypical and flexible employment)

He earned an LL.M. at Harvard Law School.

Graduate of Executive Legal MBA programme—business skills for lawyers

In 2002–2004 he was associated with Wasylkowski, Wiater & Partners, where he cofounded the labour law and European law departments. In 2002–2003, he worked at Deloitte & Touche Juridique et Fiscal in Paris in the mergers and acquisitions section and at the law offices of Laga & Philippe in Brussels.

He lectures at the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy at Jagiellonian University. He is involved in the Strategic Litigation Programme at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on a pro bono basis.

Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law

International Bar Association, SPPI Council, Employment and Industrial Relations Law, Law Firm Management Committee

European Employment Lawyers Association

American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, Human Resources Management Committee

“The limits of online criticism of employers: The power of a “single click” (co-author), 2025 Yearbook

“Will we be fired by algorithms?” (co-author), 2024 Yearbook

“Is labour law ready for the metaverse?” (co-author), 2023 Yearbook

“If not temporary work, maybe “external workbench”? ” (co-author), 2022 Yearbook

“A difficult reporting obligation for temporary employment agencies — especially during a pandemic” (co-author), 2021 Yearbook

“Transfer of employees is not always automatic” (co-author), 2020 Yearbook

“Sham outsourcing of employees” (co-author), 2019 Yearbook

“Artificial intelligence in recruitment” (co-author), 2018 Yearbook

“Employee elections on Facebook” (co-author), 2017 Yearbook

„Outsourcing as a cross-border transfer of a workplace or part of a workplace” (co-author), Yearbook 2016

„Reductions in employment in joint ventures by competitors” Yearbook 2015

„Interim manager: An employee or not?” Yearbook 2014

„Employment outsourcing” Yearbook 2013

The Legal 500 EMEA (2019 – 2024), Employment

Chambers Europe (2011 – 2024), Employment

Who’s Who Legal 2023, Employment

Best Lawyers® 2014, Employment