M&A Transactions

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M&A Transactions

The first book in a new series from LexisNexis Polska addressing the practical aspects of application of law. The authors focus on practical application of specific legal instruments used in mergers and acquisitions. The book as a whole may also function as a roadmap to a typical transaction of this type.

The book is divided into three sections. The first is devoted to preparations for transactions, covering such items as letters of intent, confidentiality agreements, framework agreements, and models for due diligence of the elements making up the subject of the transaction. It also describes the use of preliminary agreements and the need to obtain required administrative approvals. The second part addresses issues that should be covered when drafting the transaction documents. It includes examples of typical contractual clauses and an analysis of the most serious and most commonly encountered errors and oversights during the transaction process. The third part discusses actions that must be taken and issues that sometimes must be dealt with after signing of the transaction documents and post-closing (including measures to be taken when there is a breach of contract).

The book (in Polish) can be purhased here.