Mateusz Kosiorowski

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Mateusz Kosiorowski
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Mateusz Kosiorowski

Litigation, damages and compensation, insurance and transport matters

Mateusz Kosiorowski advises in insurance and transport matters and cases seeking damages, including cases related to reprivatisation and liability of public authorities. He has extensive experience in insurance cases and in compensation and indemnity claims, particularly involving casualty and property insurance. He handles insurance contracts, insurance regulations, and InsurTech issues. He also advises on issues of transport of goods by road, including international carriage of goods.

He is the coordinator of the firm’s Insurance practice.

He represents clients in judicial proceedings, administrative proceedings, and proceedings before the administrative courts. He has experience drafting applications for extraordinary review

He joined Wardyński & Partners in 2019.

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin         

Warsaw School of Economics, postgraduate insurance studies

Finalist in the 4th Constitutional Tournament organized by the Prof. Zbigniew Hołda Association

Affiliated with the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway in Szczecin, 2013–2016.

Worked at a law office in 2016–2019 advising and representing insurance companies.

Warsaw Bar Chamber

“Railway accidents: Is the infrastructure manager also liable?” (co-author), 2024 Yearbook

“Damages for costs of care provided free of charge by family members to an injured party who has suffered bodily injury or a health disorder Comment on the resolution of a seven-judge panel of the Supreme Court of Poland of 22 July 2020, case no. III CZP 31/19,” Co do zasady. Studia i analizy prawne, 2022 no. 1

“Can epidemic claims be pursued in a class action?” 2021 Yearbook (co-author)

“Assignment of claims under mandatory motor vehicle civil liability insurance for reimbursement of the cost of preparing a private appraisal: Comment on the resolution of a seven-judge panel of the Supreme Court of Poland of 2 September 2019 (case no. III CZP 99/18),” Co do zasady. Studia i analizy prawne, 2020 no. 2

“Selected schemes for international distribution fraud and standing to seek damages for economic loss under the CMR Convention,” Co do zasady. Studia i analizy prawne, 2020 no. 1