Andrzej Madała

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Andrzej Madała
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Andrzej Madała

Merger control and antitrust proceedings before the Polish competition authority

Andrzej Madała practises Polish and European antitrust law, commercial law, consumer law and unfair competition law.

He prepares notifications of intended concentrations and conducts merger control proceedings before the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

He reviews commercial agreements for compliance with competition law. He advises on establishment of legal forms for commercial cooperation between competitors and functioning of various distribution systems, and in identification of relevant markets.

He conducts training for businesses, and prepares and implements competition law compliance programmes.

He is experienced working in large teams on M&A transactions.

He joined Wardyński & Partners in 1996.

Faculty of Canon and Civil Law, Catholic University of Lublin (1997)

Doctoral student, Faculty of Law and Administration, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin

Competition Law Association

“Control of foreign subsidies: New restrictions in M&A transactions”, 2024 Yearbook

“A century of the concept of a business operator under Polish law: Evolutionand current state. Part 2: From the turn of the century to the present”, In principle. Legal studies and analyses, 2020 vol. 1

„Merger Control Laws and Regulations 2020”, International Comparative Legal Guides, London

“A century of the concept of a business operator under Polish law: Evolution and current state. Part 1: From independence to independence (1918–1991),” In principle. Legal studies and analyses, 2019 vol. 1

“Antitrust proceedings,” Prawo Europejskie w Praktyce, 2016 no. 3(141)

“Gun-jumping: A risky false start in M&A transactions,” 2015 Yearbook

Overview of amendments to the Competition and Consumer Protection Act on criteria for the obligation to notify an intended concentration,” Internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny 4/2015

Changes in determination of the relevant market in the sector of retail trade in consumer goods in modern distribution channels based on examples from the concentration decisions of the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection,” Internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny 6/2014

“New rules for merger review,” 2014 Yearbook

“Polish merger control law,” Company acquisitions handbook (Tottel Publishing 2008, and Bloomsbury Professional 2011)

Chapter on Poland (co-author) in I. Kokkoris (ed.), Competition cases from the European Union (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1st ed. 2008, 2nd ed. 2010)

“Overview: Poland” (co-author), The handbook of competition enforcement agencies (Global Competition Review, London 2007 and 2008)

„Getting the Deal Through – Merger Control” (2005-2011), Law Business Research, London

The Legal 500 EMEA (2019 – 2024), Competition/Antitrust