Marcin Lemkowski

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Marcin Lemkowski
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Marcin Lemkowski

adwokat, partner

Advice in difficult civil cases

Prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski conducts difficult, complex and often long-lasting judicial and arbitration proceedings, mainly pertaining to civil law. He holds a postdoctoral degree in law.

He advises individual and corporate clients in disputes arising out of contracts, real estate transactions, renewable energy projects, and security for claims. He pursues cases seeking damages for losses caused by breach of contract, tort, changes in zoning plans, and issuance of unlawful judgments by courts. He also represents clients in cases involving major infrastructure projects, primarily rail and road.

Author or co-author of dozens of cassation appeals heard by the Supreme Court of Poland, often in very challenging or precedent-setting cases.

He is the head of the Poznań office.

He has been affiliated with Wardyński & Partners since 2008.

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (law, 2002), where he also completed a course in management and marketing (2004) and earned his doctorate (2007).

He has been a lecturer at the Department of Civil, Commercial and Insurance Law at Adam Mickiewicz University since 2007, where he teaches students.

Wielkopolska Bar Chamber

“Glaring loss as a ground for applying rebus sic stantibus clauses,” In Principle. Legal Studies and Analyses, 2020 vol. 2

Anticipatory performance (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016)

Commentary to Art. 358–360 and 481–486 of the Civil Code in M. Gutowski (ed.), Civil Code: Commentary (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016)

“Tenant’s right to purchase agricultural real estate following partial dissolution of tenancy agreement,” Przegląd Prawa Rolnego 1/2016

“Announcement of refusal to perform (protestatio) as grounds for renouncing a bilateral contract (Civil Code Art. 4921),” Monitor Prawniczy 1/2015

Note on Poznań Court of Appeal order of 16 February 2012, Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich 4/2013 (on demand to reduce the sale price based on warranty while enforcing conclusion of the final contract)

Performance and the consequences of non-performance of bilateral contracts: Commentary on Art. 487–497 of the Civil Code (LexisNexis Polska, Warsaw 2012)

“Mitigation of contractual penalties,” in Civil and commercial disputes: Examples from practice (LexisNexis, Warsaw 2011)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 1 December 2010, Case I CSK 28/10, Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich 6/2011 (on combining interest on delay and capital interest)

J. Grykiel & M. Lemkowski, Legal acts: Civil Code Art. 56–81, commentary (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2010)

“On terms to the debtor’s advantage,” in Incurrence and performance of obligations (C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2010)

“Legal significance of disclosure of in personam rights and claims in the land and mortgage register,” Rejent 7–8/2010

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 19 April 2007, Case I CSK 4/07), Monitor Prawniczy 3/2009 (on Civil Code Art. 358)

“Selected aspects of reservation and mitigation of contractual penalties,” Monitor Prawniczy 5/2008

Civil law interest (Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw, 2007)

Note on Katowice Court of Appeal judgment of 2 January 2005, Case I ACa 869/04, Palestra 5-6/2007 (on combining interest)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 19 March 2004, Case IV CK 172/03, Rejent 1/2006 (on divisibility of performance in a construction contract)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 15 September 2005, Case II CK 72/05, Monitor Prawniczy 22/2006 (on renunciation of a contract pursuant to Civil Code Art. 492)

“Differences in interpretation of conditions of voluntary and mandatory insurance,” in The law and contemporary challenges, vol. 2 (Poznań 2005)

“On recourse by the Insurance Guarantee Fund,” in The law and contemporary challenges, vol. 3 (Poznań 2006)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland resolution of 27 November 2003, Case III CZP 80/03, Monitor Prawniczy 1/2005 (on interest under Civil Code Art. 212 §3)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland order of 14 July 2004, Case IV CKN 495/03, Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich 1/2005 (on interlocutory appeal in proceeding for enforcement of foreign ruling)

“Interest as bilateral consideration,” Państwo i Prawo 1/2005

“On the Act on Payment Deadlines in Commercial Transactions,” Przegląd Sądowy 4/2005

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 24 April 2003, Case I CKN 316/01, Orzecznictwo Sądów Polskich 7–8/2005 (on the concept of due and payable)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 15 June 2004, Case II KK 38/03, Państwo i Prawo 11/2005 (on bailment)

“The concept of theft under general conditions of insurance for comprehensive automotive coverage,” Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe 1–2/2004

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 8 January 2003, Case II CKN 1097/00, Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 10/2004 (on usury)

“Scope of compensation from automotive insurance under the case law,” Prawo, Ubezpieczenia, Reasekuracja 1/2003

“A bank’s entitlement to charge fees and commissions in a bank account agreement,” Biuletyn Bankowy 2/2003

Note on Supreme Court of Poland resolution of 8 March 2002, Case III CZP 8/02, Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 1/2003 (on the need to issue a specific power of attorney to sign an arbitration agreement)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland resolution of 21 June 2001, Case CIII CZP 21/01, Przegląd Sądowy 2/2003 (on so-called bank mortgages)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 11 July 2002, Case IV CKN 1219/00, Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 10/2003 (on interest on time deposits)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 8 March 2002, Case III CKN 548/00, Monitor Prawniczy 22/2003 (on interest on delay)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland resolution of 27 April 2001, Case III CZP 5/01, Prawo i Medycyna 12(4/2002) (on recourse by HMO against party responsible for traffic accident)

“Material protection of the consumer,” Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 3/2002

“Significance of the definition of ‘consumer’ for insurance contracts,” Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe 9–10/2002

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 18 January 2001, Case V CKN 1840/00, Monitor Prawniczy 15/2002 (on interest on delay)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 7 November 1997, Case II CKN 424/97, Monitor Prawniczy 13/2001 and Edukacja Prawnicza 7/2002 (on legal status of devices under Civil Code Art. 49)

Note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 20 May 1997, Case II CKN 172/97, Edukacja Prawnicza 9/2000 (on interpretation of good faith under Civil Code Art. 231 §1)

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