Katarzyna Śliwak

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Katarzyna Śliwak
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Katarzyna Śliwak

Public procurement, infrastructure projects, public-private partnerships, FIDIC

Dr Katarzyna Śliwak provides comprehensive legal support for infrastructure and development projects, including projects involving the public administration and local and regional government—during contract award proceedings and during project completion.

She advises public and private clients on all aspects of public procurement law and represents them in appeal proceedings. She is experienced in handling both public procurement projects and public-private partnerships.

She joined Wardyński & Partners in 2016.

Law and economics graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wrocław. During her legal studies she held a one-year fellowship at City Law School, London. She also took a summer course in European law led by lecturers from the London School of Economics and the University of Oxford.

She completed her doctoral studies in law at the University of Wrocław and defended with distinction her doctoral thesis on public procurement law. 

Among other experience, she previously worked with the international law firm Gide Loyrette Nouel.

Wrocław Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

“The limits of contractual penalties against subcontractors and imposition of penalties when the contract is renounced” (co-author), 2020 Yearbook

“Ten years after delivery of a bridge, the contracting authority demands that the contractor cure a structural defect,” 2019 Yearbook

“Legal qualification of ineffective reservation of trade secrets,” Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego no. 2/2017

“Mistake and deceit: Establishing the boundary between these defects in declarations of will,” Edukacja Prawnicza no. 3 2016/2017

“Realisation of constitutional guarantees of resort to the courts in antimonopoly proceedings,” in M. Chrzanowski (ed.), Constitutional aspects of administrative law: Selected issues, Lublin: Studenckie Koło Naukowe Prawników UMCS, 2015

“Alternative methods of funding units of local and regional government,” in J. Salachna (ed.), “Issues of finance law,” Prawo i Administracja dla Regionu, 2014