Jakub Znamierowski

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Jakub Znamierowski
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Jakub Znamierowski

Assisting corporate clients and entrepreneurs in criminal matters

Dr Jakub Znamierowski advises and represents clients in criminal matters, particularly white-collar crime cases and cases where corporate clients are involved in criminal proceedings.

He leads internal investigations and advises on mitigating the negative impacts of unlawful acts.

He analyses criminal-law risks associated with commercial activity and supports clients in implementing and monitoring compliance programmes.

He conducts trainings on criminal law and compliance.

He joined Wardyński & Partners in 2015.

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, where he also completed a course of study in US law offered in conjunction with the University of Florida Levin College of Law

Completed doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, where he also led seminars for students on criminal procedure

He successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the procedural status of collective entity and third parties liable for offences of the accused in criminal proceedings, criminal fiscal proceedings, and proceedings concerning liability of collective entities.

Warsaw Bar Chamber

“Corporate participation in criminal proceedings as an injured party,” 2020 Yearbook

“The Principle of Procedural Consensualism in Fiscal Criminal Proceedings,” Przegląd Sądowy no. 7–8/2018

A. Grochowska & J. Znamierowski in M. Klejnowska (ed.), The system of criminal procedure law, vol. 18: Trial costs in criminal cases, Warsaw 2018

“The constitutional and criminal procedure understanding of the right to a defence by quasi-accuseds,” Państwo i Prawo no. 6/2015

“The right of respect for property of participants in criminal proceedings under standards developed in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights,” Przegląd Sądowy no. 2/2015

“Legal and criminological aspects of interrogating witnesses with psychiatric disturbances in criminal proceedings,” Przegląd Sądowy no. 7–8/2014

“Shortcomings of auxiliary liability under fiscal criminal law,” Prokuratura i Prawo no. 7–8/2014

“Security on assets and protection of property rights in fiscal criminal proceedings involving financial investigative authorities,” in E. Wójcicka (ed.), The individual in the face of authoritative intervention by the public administration, vol. 1, Częstochowa 2013

The Legal 500 EMEA (2020 – 2024), White-Collar Crime