Harald Marschner

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Harald Marschner
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Harald Marschner

attorney-at-law, Rechtsanwalt

Representing clients before German and Polish courts

Harald Marschner pursues and enforces claims before the Polish courts. He is experienced in enforcement of foreign judgments and securing and collecting receivables.

He also deals with commercial law, formation of companies, and ongoing advice to corporate clients.

He serves foreign clients, particularly German-speaking clients through the firm’s German Desk.

He has full rights of audience before both Polish and German courts.

He joined Wardyński & Partners in 1997.

Law Faculty, Goethe University Frankfurt (1992)

Frankfurt Bar (1996)

Warsaw Bar Chamber (2001)

Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law (2006)

“Liechtenstein: A small country, but up‑to-date and significant in Europe. Part 2: Liechtenstein’s new blockchain law and a comparison with similar acts in other jurisdictions,” In principle. Legal studies and analyses, 2021 vol 2

“Liechtenstein: A small country, but up-to-date and significant in Europe. Part 1: Creation of a sovereign state, growth of its own legal system, and opening up to Europe and the world,” In principle. Legal studies and analyses, 2021 vol 1

“The amicus curiae brief in various legal systems and in Poland,” In Principle. Legal Studies and Analyses, 2019 vol. 1

Wzory umów i pism – Spółka z o.o. (tom 1) – wydanie polsko-niemieckie (Contracts and pleadings forms: Limited-liability company, Polish/German edition, vol. 1), C.H. Beck 2016

Wzory umów i pism – Umowy handlowe (tom 2) – wydanie polsko-niemieckie (Contracts and pleadings forms: Commercial contracts, Polish/German edition, vol. 2), C.H. Beck 2016

Wzory umów i pism – Zobowiązania (tom 3) – wydanie polsko-niemieckie (Contracts and pleadings forms: Obligations, Polish/German edition, vol. 3), C.H. Beck 2016

Wzory umów i pism – Musterverträge und -schriftsätze – wydanie polsko-niemieckie (Contracts and pleadings forms, Polish/German edition), C.H. Beck 2006

Chambers Global 2019, Dispute Resolution

Chambers Global 2018, Dispute Resolution

Chambers Global 2017, Dispute Resolution

Chambers Global 2016, Dispute Resolution