Antoni Bolecki

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Antoni Bolecki
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Antoni Bolecki

attorney-at-law, partner
Competition and consumer law, judicial and administrative proceedings

Dr Antoni Bolecki is responsible for the firm’s Competition and Consumer Protection practice. He specialises in competition and consumer law as well as judicial and administrative proceedings, including regulatory proceedings.

In representing his clients every day, he relies on a strong theoretical foundation established through his scholarly work. He has participated in many of the largest transactions in Poland as well as leading judicial and antitrust proceedings, particularly in the financial, FMCG, energy, TMT, and rail sectors.

In 2016 he was one of the laureates in the competition of the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection for the best doctoral thesis. The work was also awarded distinction by the doctoral committee of the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management.

Doctorate in economics, in the field of management (2013)

Doctoral studies, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (2012)

Judicial training (2006)

Faculty of History, University of Warsaw (2004)

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (2002)

School of German Law, University of Warsaw (2001)

Wardyński & Partners (2008–2013, 2019–date)

Hansberry Tomkiel (2017–2019)

Greenberg Traurig (2014–2017)

Chłopecki Sobolewska i Wspólnicy (2003–2008)

In the past served on three supervisory boards.

Warsaw Bar Association

Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies

Competition Law Association

“Can shareholders or partners compete with their own company or partnership?” (co-author), 2023 Yearbook

Procedural errors of the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) in antitrust proceedings concerning restrictive practices and the powers of the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection (SOKiK),” iKAR 2022 no. 3(11)

„Going in circles”, AMCHAM.PL QUARTERLY Vol. III, No. 3

“Abuse of procedural rights as an infringement of competition law,” 2020 Yearbook

“New regulations governing agricultural retail trade,” Food Lex no. 2/2019

Modification of abusive clauses through unilateral amendment, and infringement of the collective interests of consumers,” Studia Prawa Prywatnego no. 3–4/2018

“Modification of abusive clauses through unilateral amendment,” CARS 2017

Contractual advantage in relations between retail chains and food suppliers,” iKAR 2017 no. 8(6)

“How much room for negotiated application of law in the leniency procedure?” in Twenty-five years of competition law (ed. T. Skoczny), Wolters Kluwer 2016

Commentary on the Competition and Consumer Protection Act (ed. T. Skoczny), C.H. Beck 2014

Special features of franchises under competition law,” iKAR 2013 no. 7(2)

Restrictions on internet sales in distribution agreements,” iKAR 2013 no. 3(2)

Exchange of information between competitors in the assessment of competition authorities, Wydawnictwa Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW 2013

Agreements prohibited due to aim or effect: Current decisional trends in the European Union,” iKAR 2012 no. 3(1)

Setting minimum resale prices: Time for changes,” note on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 23 November 2011, case III SK 21/11 (Röben Ceramika Budowlana), iKAR 2012 no. 3(1)

Agreements prohibited due to aim or effect under current Polish decisional practice,” iKAR 2012 no. 1(1)

“Recent development in Polish competition case law,” European Competition Journal 2012

“Leniency regimes,” European Lawyer 2012

Competition law, Lexis Nexis 2012

Polish antitrust experience with hub-and-spoke conspiracies,” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 2011 no. 4(5)

“Exchange of information between competitors in light of competition law,” Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 2011

“Recent development in Polish competition case law,” European Competition Journal 2010

Competition cases from the European Union, Sweet & Maxwell 2010

Note on judgment of the European Court of Justice of 23 November 2006 in Asnef-Equifax, Case law of Community courts in 2004–2009, Wolters Kluwer 2010

International encyclopaedia of agency distribution agreements, Kluwer International 2010

Gratuitous transfer of ownership of energy transmission infrastructure as an abuse of a dominant position,” comment on Supreme Court of Poland judgment of 16 October 2008, Kolej Gondolowa (no. III SK 2/08), Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 2009

“Parallel application of copyright law and antitrust law to collective copyright management organisations: A critical view,” Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego 2009

Getting the Deal Through: Cartels, 2009

Getting the Deal Through: Dominance, 2009

Getting the Deal Through: Vertical agreements in 42 jurisdictions worldwide, 2009

“Industry associations and competition law in light of Community case law,” Glosa 2/2009

The Legal 500 EMEA (2021– 202)4 – Competition/antitrust

Chambers and Partners Europe (2021– 2024) – Competition/antitrust