Services – Construction

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We advise at every stage of realisation of construction projects

We draft contracts for construction work, general contracting for projects, including contracts based on FIDIC terms or excluding those terms, using the design and build approach and dividing the project into design and execution phases, subcontracting, investor substitution, contracts for specific works, and contracts for supply or sale and installation.

We prepare legal opinions on the possibility of developing projects on the specific site, the need to obtain administrative approvals, defects in administrative approvals, interpretation of contracts, including construction contracts, security instruments, and the need for modifications in administrative approvals, contracts and security.

We provide legal assistance in obtaining administrative approvals, including environmental approvals, planning approvals, tree removal permits, building permits, permits for construction of road and airport projects, and occupancy permits. We also assist in obtaining modifications of these permits and transferring them to new holders.

We provide ongoing legal support for investors and developers, structuring projects from the legal and tax side, drafting contracts for design and architectural supervision, geodesics, contract engineer agreements, general contracting agreements for projects, customer contracts and prospectuses for sales by developers of residential projects, and conveyancing contracts.

We represent clients before public administrative authorities, the administrative courts, the general courts and arbitral tribunals, and in settlement negotiations, including cases seeking to obtain or dispute decisions on environmental or planning approvals, building permits and the like, and cases involving fees for construction work and additional works.