Services – Cybersecurity

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Our services in cybersecurity

We advise on the legal possibilities for raising the level of cybersecurity and assist in combating cybersecurity violations:
  • We identify threats and operating areas most exposed to threats (key areas for the entity’s operations covering trade secrets, personal data and so on).
  • We advise on creating and improving IT system security policies in cooperation with the top IT and security specialists.
  • We advise on creation of mechanisms for combating threats, monitoring compliance with IT security policies, and procedures for responding to incidents.

We advise on implementation of legal requirements in the cybersecurity area, protection of IT and other critical infrastructure, reporting obligations in the case of cybersecurity incidents, and contacts with administrative authorities and law enforcement authorities responsible for cybersecurity issues.

We advise clients on rules for cooperation with other entities in cybersecurity matters, exchange of information, joint response, detection and application of remedial and recovery measures.

We respond to incidents of cybersecurity violations, cyberattacks, cyber terrorism, malware, industrial espionage, data theft and unauthorised access, and other types of violations and offences:

  • We advise parties injured by cyberattacks and other unlawful actions in cyberspace, including:
    • Conducting internal investigations to determine the course of events and to secure evidence (in cooperation with IT forensics experts)
    • Determining the strategy for external actions in connection with security incidents.
  • We represent clients in criminal, administrative and civil proceedings to eradicate threats, repair harm, and enforce liability against perpetrators of cyber offences or offences committing using IT infrastructure or malware, as well as parties contributing to losses through their negligence.