Services – New Technologies

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New tech law

For us, new technologies are all about new legal challenges. In many instances, we must tackle doubts surrounding the legal treatment of innovative products and services or an absence of relevant regulations. To assure clients legal security in such circumstances, lawyers must bring to the table experience, creativity, and an understanding of the business environment.

An interdisciplinary New Technologies Practice brings together highly skilled practitioners from selected fields of law. We are supported by technology experts cooperating with the firm and offering a wide range of technical knowledge.

We strive to meet our clients’ needs as they arise by creating highly specialised legal services addressed to specific segments of the new technologies market. We provide comprehensive regulatory, tax and transactional advice.

Range of services
We support creators of innovative healthcare products—medicinal products and medical devices—from research and development through market launch and protection of the product on the market. We create legal frameworks for telemedicine. We help solve legal problems related to development, sale and promotion of food products containing innovative ingredients.

Our services include legal advice in the following areas:

Healthcare products

  • Research on new products in clinical trials and other forms of medical experiments
  • Methods of recruitment for participation in studies and maintaining contact with participants after completion of the active phase of the study
  • Market launch of innovative products, particularly biotech products
  • Regulatory and patent protection of innovative products.

Healthcare services

  • Implementation of new technologies in medicine, including IT systems in the healthcare system
  • Telemedicine and e-healthcare, particularly using mobile applications enabling patients to contact medical professionals at a distance
  • Biobank operations.

Modern foods

  • Classification of innovative food products
  • Product composition, particularly evaluation of the permissibility of using ingredients of indeterminate legal status, such as plant and biotech-based ingredients
  • Advertising and promotional campaigns and labelling of foods within the context of minimising risks associated with health claims and assuring compliance with industry ethical standards.




Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Support on legal structuring of the venture, reflecting the legal requirements in Poland and the country of origin of the creators and funders
  • Drafting of terms of use for crowdfunding portals
  • Advice on legal issues concerning the flow of funding between the parties
  • Advice on protection of personal data
  • Advice on protection of trade secrets
  • Tax advice for organisers (owners of crowdfunding platforms), creators and funders concerning the funding raised, with particular attention to tax optimisation
  • Advice on the secondary market, involving trading in claims created through crowdfunding
  • Advice on claims trading platforms


Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

  • Incident response and crisis management: We provide comprehensive support for clients that have experienced a cyber incident or fallen victim to cybercrime. We advise on crisis management and incident mitigation (risk assessment, reporting to the authorities, coordination with experts in IT forensics and data security, and liaising with law enforcement).
  • Cybersecurity litigation: We represent clients in criminal, civil and administrative proceedings related to cyber incidents, including investigations into the causes, resolving the financial impacts, and defending against administrative fines for failure to comply with regulatory obligations.
  • Regulatory compliance: We advise on all key cybersecurity regulations, such as the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), the Network and Information Systems directives (NIS1/NIS2), the National Cybersecurity System Act, and the European Cyber Resilience Act. We conduct applicability verification, gap analysis, and full implementation projects.
  • Supply chain cybersecurity: We assist clients in developing contractual instruments for ensuring appropriate cybersecurity standards in dealings with key customers and suppliers, and support clients in negotiations with suppliers of key IT solutions.
  • Cybersecurity due diligence: We examine cybersecurity aspects in M&A transactions and due diligence processes, particularly for regulatory compliance of the entity under review and its existing cybersecurity contractual arrangements.


Jakub Barański,

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Comprehensive advice on creation of legal structures for offering services online (e.g. drafting terms of use, privacy policy, and agreements with subcontractors)
  • Advice on legal aspects of online marketing, including targeted marketing
  • Advice on loyalty programmes in e-commerce
  • Advice on cookies policies
  • Advice on legal structures for online payments
  • Advice on regulatory requirements  for presentation of goods and services
  • Legal advice for online content providers (e.g. copyright protection and liability of the supplier of electronic services).


Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on the optimal structures for financing of new technologies, such as traditional financing, financing through business angels, and hybrid financing
  • Preparing corporate structures for financing new technologies, including special-purpose vehicles, models for relations between shareholders, and so on
  • Preparing efficient legal and tax structures for exiting investments in new technologies
  • Establishing security interests in R&D results and intellectual property rights for financing purposes
  • Advice on raising financing through the public issue of shares (including preparation of the prospectus) and tax-efficient structures for stock market listing
  • Advice on tax incentives and investment subsidies
  • Advice on state aid, including defence against questioning of the justification for state aid by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the European Commission, or competitors
  • Advice on tax optimisation of investments in new technologies.


Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Creation of legal structures for organising online games, including games of chance
  • Regulatory advice for online gaming platforms reflecting aspects such as payment solutions, data protection, and restrictions on services provided by electronic means
  • Conducting administrative proceedings related to games of chance
  • Advice on combating the use of games of chance for money laundering
  • Advice on intellectual property rights to programming, including computer games and content
  • Legal advice on infringement of rights to programming, including computer games
  • Tax advice for creators and organisers of games, including online games and games of chance, with a particular aim of optimisation of tax obligations
  • Conducting tax proceedings.


Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on legal structures for online payments and mobile payments
  • Legal advice on cross-border payment services
  • Advice on legal structures for payment services conducted in real time
  • Legal advice on hybrid payment services (payment services combined with other products, e.g. consumer credit or loyalty programmes)
  • Advice on legal structures for virtual currencies (including currency used in online games)
  • Tax advice on legal structures connected with innovative payment solutions.



Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Preparing legal opinions on issues affecting the energy sector
  • Advice on contract law in agreements between customers and suppliers for sale and purchase of rights, energy and fuels, as well as issues arising under the requirements of the Energy Law and Competition and Consumer Protection Act
  • Proceedings before the Energy Regulatory Office involving such matters as issuance of permits and concessions, tariffs, reports on requirements, fulfilment of obligations imposed on energy companies, and dispute resolution
  • Corporate matters, including matters related to regulation of vertically integrated enterprises
  • Issues concerning connection to the power grid
  • Advice on development of utilities projects and legal support at every stage of development.



Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on application of data protection law
  • Legal advice on creation of online privacy policies
  • Legal advice on transfer of personal data to third countries
  • Legal advice on targeted marketing
  • Legal advice for providers and customers of cloud services and issues of automated gathering of data in the “internet of things”
  • Advice related to violation of privacy and infringement of personal interests on the internet
  • Legal advice in connection with processing of personal data gathered on the basis of visual monitoring or geolocation
  • Advice on processing of personal data in telemedicine.



Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on creation of legal structures for conducting research, including various models for cooperation among research institutions, investors and researchers
  • Advice on creation of legal structures for copyright and other research-related intellectual property rights
  • Creation of structures securing the rights of investors and researchers
  • Preparing strategies and documentation for commercialisation of research results
  • Tax advice aimed at tax optimisation of activities involving conduct, purchase and sale of research works
  • Advice on investment incentives and subsidies.



Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on selection of the legal model for carrying out ventures
  • Advice on preparing and conducting the procedure for selection of the private partner or concessionaire—drafting and review of tender documentation, including the conditions for participation in the procedure and the criteria for evaluation of offers, drafting of the PPP project agreement, and analysis of proposals presented by contractors during the course of negotiations for compliance with the law and the conditions of the tender
  • Legal advice for contractors seeking to conclude a PPP agreement or concession agreement—review of tender documentation, representation in negotiations, drafting of legal opinions on interpretation of Polish and EU regulations, advising on the correctness of measures taken by the contracting authority during the course of the proceeding, and participation in appeals
  • Advice and ongoing support in exercise of rights and performance of obligations under PPP agreements and concession agreements for construction works and services.



Tel.: (+48) 71 348 86 00

Our services include:

  • Negotiation and drafting of agreements concerning licensing and distribution of content
  • Negotiation and drafting of agreements for publication of books, CDs, DVDs and collections of publications
  • Negotiation and drafting of agreements concerning new media business models, particularly for online media
  • Negotiation of agreements with collective rights management organisations
  • Litigation with collective rights management organisations over the fees they charge
  • Negotiations and litigation concerning defamation and other infringement of personal interests and disputes under the Press Law
  • Legal advice on acquisitions of media companies and assets
  • Advice on legal compliance of editorial and advertising materials intended for publication or broadcast
  • Legal advice on protection of the personal data of users of e mail accounts and online services and disclosure of their data to authorised recipients
  • Disputes concerning copyright to works disseminated in the media (e.g. texts, photos, drawings and recordings)
  • Disputes concerning unfair competition with respect to advertising placed by competing media
  • Support in projects connected with financing, production and distribution of films and TV and radio programmes
  • Advice for trade associations of media companies with respect to new legal regulations at the Polish and EU levels.




Tel.: 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

  • We advise on obtaining data for the purposes of building and developing AI solutions, both at the stage of creating the solution in the production and testing environment and after it is made available to users (including obtaining data from users of the solution).
  • We give opinions on the permissibility of using algorithms, AI systems and other data analysis technologies, in particular in light of data protection and consumer protection regulations, labour law and the laws governing financial institutions.
  • We advise on classification of AI systems.
  • We assist in the development of AI risk management systems.
  • We give opinions on the compliance of AI solutions with proposed AI legislation, particularly under EU law.
  • We draft terms and conditions for services based on AI systems.
  • We create contracts for supply of data for training AI algorithms and systems.
  • We advise on data protection law and intellectual property rights in the context of AI algorithms and systems.
  • We develop best practices for managing AI algorithms and systems.
  • We draft internal policies for the use of AI systems in organisations, especially generative AI models.
  • We represent clients before the competent authorities.


Krzysztof Wojdył

Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on negotiating and drafting software agreements
  • Advice on creation of legal structures for IT outsourcing by financial institutions
  • Regulatory advice in connection with data collection and processing services in IT systems (big data, cloud computing)
  • Advice on disputes concerning implementation of IT systems
  • Advice on disputes involving infringement of economic copyright to software and use of software in violation of the licence
  • Advice on disputes arising out of unauthorised release of data in IT systems.




Tel.: 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00

Our services include:

  • Advice on procedures for obtaining frequencies
  • Advice on inter-operator agreements and agreements with network users
  • Advice on shared use of infrastructure and infrastructure administration services
  • Advice on local government initiatives in the area of telecommunications and public-private partnerships
  • Advice on telecommunications services in dealings with subscribers and end users
  • Advice on rules for processing of data covered by telecommunications secrecy
  • Advice in connection with the process of digitisation of television signals
  • Advice on state obligations of telecommunications enterprises
  • Advice on telecommunications issues for clients from outside the telecommunications sector
  • Conducting disputes concerning decisions by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, disputes between operators on the telecommunications market connected with performance of telecommunications access agreements, and disputes with end users of telecommunications services.


Krzysztof Wojdył


Tel.: (+48) 22 437 82 00, 22 537 82 00