Marcin Sobkowicz

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Marcin Sobkowicz
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Marcin Sobkowicz


Real estate, reprivatisation, aviation, and civic matters

Marcin Sobkowicz, LL.M., practises civil and administrative law, including reprivatisation and regulation of the legal status of real estate. He also represents clients in cases seeking damages, including for nationalised property.

He advises individual clients, including in obtaining Polish citizenship.

He also advises clients from the aviation sector and represents them in proceedings before public administrative authorities (including before the president of the Civil Aviation Authority).

Master’s degree, Faculty of Law and Administration (2010); LL.M. in International Commercial Law, Koźmiński University, Warsaw (2018). Currently preparing his doctoral thesis on aviation law at Łazarski University in Warsaw.

In 2011–2019 he worked at the Civil Aviation Authority, and from 2016 headed the work of the airlines department.

Warsaw Regional Bar Chamber

The Legal 500 EMEA 2024, Private Client