Konrad Werner

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Konrad Werner
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Konrad Werner

attorney-at-law, counsel
Project finance for real estate and acquisitions; financial market regulations

Konrad Werner advises in the area of banking and finance, particularly involving debt financing transactions and financial regulations.

He has many years of experience in such matters as legal support for financing of real estate projects (including office buildings, logistics centres, shopping centres, hotels, and private student housing), acquisitions, and current corporate operations.

He advises both lenders and borrowers in Polish and international projects, including as lead counsel. He has participated in securitisation and factoring projects.

He has advised clients on regulatory aspects of major transactions on the banking market—acquisitions, mergers, division and liquidation of banks, as well as converting the branch of a foreign lender into a Polish bank.

He also has experience providing regulatory advice to banks, insurance companies, payment institutions, financial intermediaries, and other regulated entities.

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw

Finance and banking, SGH Warsaw School of Economics


CMS Cameron McKenna

secondment at HSBC Bank Polska S.A.

Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

“From WIBOR to WIRON: The perspective of banks and borrowers”, 2023 Yearbook

“A regulatory revolution in AML is approaching,” in Resilient bank: Anti-money laundering and anti-fraud (Polish Bank Association report, March 2022)

“Execution against bank accounts: Selected issues,” Rachunkowość Bankowa 2007 no. 11

“Operation of a credit institution in Poland through a branch: Basic issues,” Monitor Prawniczy 2006 no. 21 (co-author)

“Integrated financial supervision based on the example of the UK Financial Services Authority,” Prawo Bankowe 2006 no. 5 (co-author)

“Registered pledge on a car fleet,” Gazeta Prawna, 1 March 2006

IFLR1000 2024, Banking (Notable practitioner)

IFLR1000 (2018–2022), Banking (Notable practitioner)

Legal 500 EMEA, banking and finance (2014–2022)