Hampiðjan hf. and Mørenot Group

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Hampiðjan hf. and Mørenot Group

Wardyński & Partners assisted Hampiðjan hf., a company listed on Nasdaq First North Iceland, in its indirect acquisition of the shares in Poldan Net sp. z o.o., indirectly owned by Holding Cage I AS, the parent company from the Mørenot Group. The transaction is subject to approval by competition authorities in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

During the transaction we worked with the Oslo-based law firm Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, advising on negotiation of the share purchase agreement and due diligence.

The firm’s team, led by Izabela Zielińska-Barłożek and Bartosz Kuraś, included Adam Pawlisz, Michał Gliński, Joanna Dudek, Klaudia Czarniecka, Joanna Krakowiak, Joanna Prokurat, Gabriela Pagacz, Mateusz Tusznio, Paweł Szumowski and Daria Goliszewska.

Mørenot is an international group of companies providing solutions for the global fishing, aquaculture and seismology industries. The group employs almost 800 people worldwide in about 30 locations.

Hampiðjan is a large group of companies engaged in the production and sale of fishing equipment and fish farming equipment, and provision of services and sale of products for offshore applications. The Hampiðjan Group employs about 1,200 people worldwide.

The merger of the two groups is aimed at expanding their operations to other geographical areas, as well as expanding the range of products offered by their subsidiaries.