Joanna Dudek

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Joanna Dudek
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Joanna Dudek

Employment law and litigation

Joanna Dudek practises employment law. She represents clients in litigation and mediation, conducts negotiations, and drafts in-court and out-of-court settlements. She advises in internal anti-mobbing proceedings and transfers of workplaces. She supports employers in creating workplace rules and policies. She conducts employment audits and participates in due diligence projects.

She provides ongoing advice on HR law, in particular drafting employment contracts, managerial contracts and B2B contracts. She also provides support in termination of employment.

She has experience advising on data protection (GDPR audits, implementation and ongoing advice).

She completed her attorney-at-law training with the second-highest exam result in 2021 at the Kraków Bar Association.

She joined Wardyński & Partners in 2021.

Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University

STSW Stoiński Świerczyński Zimnicka adwokaci i radcowie prawni sp.p.

Mikulski i Wspólnicy sp.k.

Kraków Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law