Tomasz Kisiel

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Tomasz Kisiel
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Tomasz Kisiel

adwokat trainee
Competition and consumer protection law

Tomasz Kisiel practises competition law, particularly from the perspective of competition litigation. He also advises on consumer matters, as well as issues of EU law and constitutional law.

He is an honours graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University. During his studies, he was recognised each year with a rector’s stipend for obtaining a high grade average and other scholarly accomplishments. He also won first place in the 58th edition of the national competition on knowledge of Poland and the contemporary world.

Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, Kraków (with distinction)

Winner of the 58th edition of the national competition on knowledge of Poland and the contemporary world

Korpusiński i Współpracownicy

Warsaw Bar Chamber