Natalia Nieróbca

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Natalia Nieróbca

Regulatory advice for life science and healthcare companies

Natalia Nieróbca provides regulatory advice, particularly for companies from the life science sector. She advises on the law of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food, and healthcare.

She supports clients in matters involving procedures for market authorisation, classification, advertising, labelling, sales and distribution models, and systems for public financing of regulated products. She provides ongoing advice across the life cycle of products and supports companies in administrative proceedings.

She also carries out projects involving legal advice on clinical trials of medicinal products and medical devices.

She has authored publications on medical law, civil law, and food law.

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (with distinction)

DLA Piper Giziński Kycia

Destrier Legal & Business Advisory

Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw

Doctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Warsaw

Adulteration of food as an aggravated form of non-compliance of a product in the jurisprudence of the administrative courts (Warsaw 2024) (co-author)

“Comment on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 14 December 2023 in M.L. v Poland, application no. 27617/04,” Przegląd Prawa Medycznego 2024

“Value history as an instrument for prolonging the autonomous nature of a treatment decision beyond the moment of loss of consciousness,” Przegląd Prawa Medycznego 2023

New trends in the decisions of the Polish courts on pursuing compensation for culpable infringement of the patient’s right to information (Warsaw: C.H. Beck, 2023)