Infinitas Learning to acquire WSiP

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Infinitas Learning to acquire WSiP

Wardyński & Partners advised Infinitas Learning in the acquisition of Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne S.A. (WSiP). Our assistance included negotiating and drafting comprehensive transaction documentation as well as carrying out a legal due diligence.

The firm’s work on the project was led by Adam Pawlisz (partner). Key members of the team included Dominik Kaszuba (senior associate) and Mateusz Próchnicki (associate) as well as Aleksandra Drożdż (senior associate), who coordinated the legal due diligence process.

The transaction is to be closed after fulfilment of the standard conditions precedent, in particular merger control approval from the Polish competition authority.

Infinitas Learning is a key European provider of innovative products and services for learning and education. The main shareholder of Infinitas Learning is NPM Capital which focuses on the following trends: Everything is Digital, Sustainable Future, Feeding the World and Healthy Life & Learning.

WSiP is the second-largest and longest-established publisher of school textbooks and teaching support materials in Poland. The company creates publications for all educational segments – from pre-school education and elementary schools to high schools, technical and vocational schools.