D3 Fund invests in Poland

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D3 Fund invests in Poland

Wardyński & Partners advised the D3 Fund in a transaction entailing investment in a Polish holding company. We provided comprehensive legal assistance in determining the transaction structure and negotiation of agreements.

Key lawyers involved in the project were Dominik Kaszuba and Adam Strzelecki, supported by Kacper Czubacki and Hubert Bińkiewicz. Adam Pawlisz supervised the firm’s work on the project.

Founded in 2023, D3 Fund is an early-stage venture capital firm that invests in dual-use technologies. D3 stands for “Dare to Defend Democracy.” D3 invests in Drones, EW, Autonomy, Sensors, AI, Demining, and Cyber.

Sayenko Kharenko advised on the Ukrainian aspects of the transaction in a team consisting of Nazarii Pylypchuk and Dmytro Riabikin.