Wardyński lawyers serve as cofounders of Public Procurement Law Association

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Wardyński lawyers serve as cofounders of Public Procurement Law Association

The Polish Public Procurement Law Association was established on 3 February 2017. The founders included Mirella Lechna and Anna Prigan from Wardyński & Partners.

The purpose of the Public Procurement Law Association is to share and spread knowledge about the entire field of public procurement law—also including public-private partnerships and public concessions—drawing from the best international practices and promoting principles of professional ethics among those involved in this field of law. The association will also serve as a platform for active participation by the legal community in public debate on the public procurement system and how procurement regulations are applied in practice.

As soon as PPL Association is registered, the association’s founders will take steps to expand the membership to include other leading practitioners in the field, whose thorough knowledge and experience will help develop solutions advantageous for all participants in the public procurement market in Poland.

Mirella Lechna and Anna Prigan from the Infrastructure, Transport, Public Procurement & PPP practice at Wardyński & Partners are members of the PPL Association audit committee.