7th Corporate Disputes Forum

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7th Corporate Disputes Forum

Our firm is one of the partners for a conference organised by the Polish Association of Listed Companies, the 7th Corporate Disputes Forum, held in Warsaw on 26 September 2017.

The main theme of the forum this year is corporate safety of listed companies. The event is divided into four thematic sections raising legal issues material to listed companies.

Krzysztof Libiszewski from the M&A and Corporate practice at Wardyński & Partners will take part in the panel discussion “Investors’ and shareholders’ clams against management board members of a public company.” Jan Ciećwierz from the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice will participate in a debate entitled “Corporate disputes connected with M&A.” Kinga Ziemnicka from the M&A and Corporate practice will take part in the discussion “Challenging registered articles of association.” Danuta Pajewska, head of the Capital Markets & Financial Institutions practice, will take part in the panel “Anchoring the audit committee in the corporate structure of a listed company.”

The Corporate Disputes Forum is an excellent occasion for sharing experiences, particularly connected with skilful management of disputes involving shareholders, supervisory boards and management boards. The entire event will be transmitted online at the website of the Polish Association of Listed Companies.

More information in Polish the forum website.