Springtime for “In Principle”

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Springtime for “In Principle”

Spring is in the air, and “In Principle” is changing its layout. We opted for clarity, showcasing the legal content that is the portal’s strong suit.

On the “In Principle” portal, we strive to write clearly and accessibly, although the legal issues we discuss can sometimes be complex. Thus we simplified the graphic design and navigation of the site to avoid distractions from your reading.

Our portal offers nearly two thousand articles in Poland and nearly a thousand in English. They discuss interesting rulings by Polish and EU courts, changes in regulations planned or already introduced, and also nuances of the law which can have a particular impact on business. The articles are grouped into over 30 categories, displayed by clicking on the # symbol.

We also made slight revisions to the articles themselves, and added the option of sharing them instantly on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+).

More and more of our readers access articles on the site via mobile devices. We have made the site fully responsive for these users, and the new layout should make the site much easier to use on a small screen.

We encourage you to check out our new format and read the latest issue.