Lex Mundi Global Token Sales Guide

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Lex Mundi Global Token Sales Guide

The Lex Mundi working group for blockchain has prepared a Global Token Sales Guide summarising the different regulatory regimes for ICOs (initial coin offerings) in key jurisdictions around the world. Wardyński & Partners authored the section on Poland.

The online guide allows users to compare information from multiple jurisdictions in a side-by-side customisable report. None of the countries surveyed for the Lex Mundi guide have adopted specific legislation governing this popular fundraising method for startups, but in most of them regulators have set up committees to study the issue.

In this rapidly evolving area of law, the guide will be updated as regulators may change their stance on ICOs and enforcement actions may clarify the application of existing laws to ICOs.

The guide is available on the Lex Mundi’s website.