Employment blog launched

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Employment blog launched

Employment regulations are amended so quickly that employers must constantly monitor them to keep up with implementation of the required changes. To facilitate this process, we have created the blog HRlaw.pl, where we share our knowledge and experience on issues important for employers and employees.

Until now we have published an employment law bulletin every quarter with news on changes in law and interesting rulings in the field of labour law. But the challenges associated with employment require more flexible tools. Thus we decided to launch the blog HRlaw.pl.

On the blog we will write clearly and accessibly about individual and collective labour law, protection of the personal data of employees, and employment of foreigners. We will also discuss the current decisions handed down the courts and changes in the regulations, as well as analysing their impact on the labour market. Apart from longer, in-depth articles, the blog will also include news flashes on the most urgent issues.

We will also report on current events of interest for HR departments and lawyers handling employment matters.

We encourage you to follow our blog.